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The Coffee Shop. 
x Derry Girls 

Brief: Announce that 'The Coffee Shop' is the first cafe in Ireland legalised to sell cannabis products.

Insight: Humour makes taboo subjects easier to talk about.

Developed alongside creative partner Rachel Furlong.


Radio Scripts.

Script 1 - The Girls, and James

Michelle, Orla, Claire, Erin and James from Derry Girls.




Door open


Low chatter

Cafe ambient sounds 

Relaxing music


Michelle: (Confident and eager) Ok girls, who wants to do drugs.


Orla: (Curious and distracted) I like the look of their magic brownies


Claire: (Gasp) Weed brownies! They’ve put the weed in the brownies!


Michelle: So what Claire? Drugging people isn’t a crime


James: You’ve a very loose grasp of the law, Michelle


Erin: (Astute) Actually, Michelle’s right. You may not know if you 

(obnoxiously) don’t keep up with current affairs like myself but -

-the government just made cannabis legal 


Michelle: So you can relax the cax, Claire.


Barista: (Pleasant) Heyez, what can I get you?


Orla: (To the others) Her Dublin accent is SO cracker


VO: The Coffee Shop, Ranelagh and Monkstown. Coffee on another dimension.

James: ...Everyone else can see the elephant too right?

Script 2 - Sister Michael

Sr. Michael speaks on radio.


Sr. Michael: Right so you just want me to say my opinion and then I get free - 



FX: Tapping on the microphone.

Screechy mic sound.


Sr. Michael: (Cough) This is a public service announcement. 

Now, I know what many people will think when I say what I’m about to say. 

“You can’t endorse that foul business.” “Nuns shouldn’t be into that kind of thing”. 

And they may be right but do you know what, I think I’m going to… go ahead and do it anyway. 

Life is a pain in the arse at the best of times and now that the government says it’s ok well, you’d be a fool not to…

I’d recommend the wavy waffles, a personal favourite, (under her breath) not for the weak among us.


(As if finished but then remembering, quickly coming back to the mic)


FX: Footsteps. Mic screech.


Sr. Michael: Oh and it’s eh The Coffee Shop, Ranelagh. They’re open daily. 

The usual, Maria!


V/O: The Coffee Shop, Ranelagh and Monkstown. 

Coffee on another dimension.


Sr. Michael: Ahhhh

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